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TheraPhi for Pets

The next exciting development at The NRG Wellness Group is TheraPhi sessions for pets. The developer of TheraPhi has been getting reports of great results with TheraPhi for animals.

Why use TheraPhi for your pets?

Pets health requires attention too. For helping keep pets healthy, happy, and vibrant, TheraPhi augments whatever you are already doing to keep your pet healthy. Some folks use the healing field in TheraPhi to help their pets as they age. One lady had been living in a house with mold and everyone in the house had been adversely affected, including her dog. TheraPhi has been helping her and her elderly dog to recover.

Several of our clients have had dogs that were becoming lame in their later years and have seen tremendous improvement in their mobility. Animals with preexisting health conditions have also seen benefit with TheraPhi. As with people, pain and inflammation are conditions that have shown improvement with TheraPhi. Other folks are using TheraPhi with show animals, whether that is dogs or horses, to give them the edge during competitions. Whether large or small, any size pet may benefit with TheraPhi’s beautiful energy field.

Animals are Sensitive to TheraPhi

Pets only need short sessions of TheraPhi for maximum results. They are sensitive creatures and therefore utilize the healing field of TheraPhi effectively.

All pet sessions are done remotely. What does this mean? We gather DNA samples of your pet (nail clippings are best, but we can use fur too). We set up an appointment time and put the DNA into the TheraPhi, turn it on, and your pet receives the healing benefit of TheraPhi in the comfort of your home. Please read our blog for more details on how remote sessions work.

TheraPhi Sessions Pet Package for people and their pets.

We are offering an introductory package deal for both the pets and the owner of the pet. We have discovered that doing both parties yields great results for both. Whatever is happening in the owner’s life is also happening for the pet. As we navigate this time, we are all experiencing stress, never mind what else is happening in our lives. Your pet will be picking up on whatever you are feeling and there are cases of the pets having the same conditions as their owners – coincidence? What better way to help your pet than to help yourself? We have been setting up remote appointments for the owner and immediately follow with the pet’s session. Please note, we can only do one pet per session.

Cost of TheraPhi for Pets

An individual session for your pet is $25 (GST is included). If you purchase our Introductory offer for owner and pet, will get 5 sessions each for $250 + GST. Save $50.00 – [5 individual sessions for pets normally $125 plus the owner gets 5 sessions for additional $125 (regular price is $175 + GST)]

Contact us for more information or to set up appointments.

"Be in the field and be healed."

Terri and Mike

'Beyond the Ordinary'

Disclaimer: We do not diagnose, treat or claim to cure any medical condition. Please seek medical attention.


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