Beyond the Ordinary
Compassionate Inquiry
“Bringing compassion, healing, freedom and connection to humanity.” - Dr. Gabor Maté
Find the root of your trauma
Compassionate Inquiry (CI) is a powerful tool that can bring a person’s awareness to events that occurred in childhood that were painful and difficult to bear, and that the person has protected themselves from experiencing. Compassionate Inquiry sessions have been used for physical and emotional healing in a wide range of areas: trauma, physical disease processes, chronic pain, emotional and mental disturbances, addictions, PTSD, relationship problems, reoccurring problematic patterns, and lack of understanding of why life is not working out the way we want. In short Compassionate Inquiry is helping people to be liberated from experiences and the resulting underlying beliefs with life changing growth and healing.
What Is Compassionate Inquiry?
Compassionate Inquiry is a psychotherapeutic approach developed by Dr. Gabor Maté that reveals what lies beneath the appearance we present to the world. Using Compassionate Inquiry, both the individual and therapist unveil the level of consciousness, mental climate, hidden assumptions, implicit memories and body states that form the real message that words both express and conceal.
Through Compassionate Inquiry, the client can recognize the unconscious dynamics that run their lives and how to liberate themselves from them.
Benefits Of Compassionate Inquiry
Positive changes in relationship to oneself and relationship with others
Enhances benefits
This therapy is a brilliant adjunct to whatever therapies you are currently using, and it enhances the benefits of those other therapies.
Body and mind
Healing the body and mind through acceptance of retained stress and trauma.
To yourself, your values, your feelings, your body, other people, and the world, in the present moment
Freedom from limiting unconscious beliefs and the world we created from those beliefs
Thriving skills
Liberation from skills of survival; rejoining the world by thriving.
“Trauma is not what happens to you, it’s what happens inside you as a result of what happened to you.”